PLAY IN — Interactivités urbaines
En voici un échantillon.
The SMSlingshot — VR Urban
The SMSlingshot est un lance-pierre numérique qui envoie des SMS colorés sur les murs, telles des billes de paint-ball. La recette est simple, ou presque : un vidéo projecteur, un lance-pierre en bois muni d’un pointeur laser et une radio à Ultra Haute Fréquence. L’utilisateur utilise le clavier du lance-pierre pour écrire son message, vise un mur et le bombarde. Son SMS s’inscrit dans une tâche de peinture colorée.
Se revendiquant de la tradition des situationnistes et du graffiti, le collectif berlinois VR Urban croit à l’accessibilité et la tangibilité de l’information.
Trois semaines après son passage à Grenoble, le SMS Lingshot était mis à l’honneur au MOMA de New York.
Illumina — Chindogu / Laurenzo / Blanch
“Illumina” is an interactive installation composed by a plate on which are placed 8 pyramids.
The installation detects the presence of persons on the plate, which interacts with a bench of digital fishes.
A haven of peace of the path organized by Narkolepsy, “Illumina” took advantage of a particular attention from the public and has been particularly attractive for the children.
“Illumina” is the work of three researchers.
Chindogu is a visual artist from Uruguay working on robotic and interactive installations as well as visual creations live. Tomas Laurenzo is an artist from Uruguay as well, designer and engineer in computing. Renaud Blanch is an engineer/researcher in computing, also lecturer at the UJF in Grenoble.
Place aux Cubes — Collectif Coin
The “Collectif Coin” is an artistic project from Grenoble attaching to transdisciplinary works creation and dissemination by asking, in a transversal way, the rapprochement between Arts and Sciences. Its last projects: “L’illusion de… au Centre d’Art Bastille, CongloméraT, une performance dansée au parking, Le Doyen à Grenoble.
In partnership with the MJC Allobroges and the Maison des Ecrits d’Echirolles, the Collectif Coin realized a workplace for the children and for the event PLAY IN organized by Narkolepsy.
The young artists produced a hundred of light entities, all different and spreaded throughout the night by the group of creators. This creation turns the Place des Tilleuls into an ephemeral installation.
Dixit offers to the public the possibility of expressing themselves by giving voices to personalities as James Dean, Blondie, Jane Fonda, Kanye West or Nietzsche. Rebel, hype, militant, arrogant, nihilist… The purpose is to play with personality of these characters.
People from Grenoble have been inspired a lot with the concept because Dixit received more than 2000 text messages...
Luminuscule — CrAN
“Luminuscule” is an urban spaces invasion project made by light entities.
A hundred of stand-alone projections devices (as big as a shoe’s box) give life to small moving sequences of 4 to 8 images. A moving world in the urban space is so created. Far from a massive projection such as a monumental mapping, “Luminuscule” works on human scale. The public is invited to shape the installation. Up to his desire, by moving projections boxes to reorganize and reclaim the urban environment, he’s going to be the dissemination’s vector through the streets.
CrAN, Digital Artistic Creation, is a group focused on a particular idea of artistic creation using new technologies. The association offers the pooling of ideas and skills as well as a accompaniment in digital artistic creation.